Methods and oral orthotic systems for use in connection with sleep-disordered breathing
Asking Price: TBD
Lead Inventor: Robert Rogers Current Assignee: American Dental Sleep Medicine Contact David Wanetick
A method of forming oral orthotic systems to position and/or stabilize a mandible of a patient includes providing an upper dental member adapted to be placed in connection with upper dentition of the patient, providing a lower dental member adapted to be placed in connection with lower dentition of the patient and providing a plurality of posterior mounting structures. Each of the posterior mounting structure is adapted to be attached to one of the upper dental member or the lower dental member at a posterior, buccal position thereon. Each of the posterior mounting structures includes an extending member which includes a plurality of positions at which one of a plurality of connectors is attachable to the extending member. Force may be applied to the mandible of the patient via at least one of a plurality of different mechanisms via attachment of a component of the mechanism to at least one of the posterior mounting structures. The upper dental member and the lower dental member are formed, independently, from at least one polymeric material.
- Primary Patent Number: 9,615,964
- Number of Continuations: 2
- Number of Divisionals: 0
- Number of Foreign Patent Filings: 6
Commercial Information
Is the patent jointly owned? No
What is compelling about this patent?
The Medley Gold addresses a longstanding problem with sleep apnea orthotics. Over time patients are in
need of having their orthotics adjusted. But most orthotics are not easily adjustable or have a limited
range of adjustability. The result is that patients may have to purchase new orthotics. Not only is this an
economic burden for the patients but dentists that are reimbursed on a capitated basis are also financially
disadvantaged; for the same revenue per patient they must perform multiple impressions.
The Medley Gold is a patent-protected orthotic platform that fits on teeth. The device features metal rods
as well as plastic and elastic straps that enable the orthotic to easily move forward in specific, incremental
units. These rods and straps are easily interchangeable; patients can swap one for another themselves.
When dentists are called upon to make the replacements, they can easily complete the chairside process
in a matter of minutes. The combination of higher chair turnover and avoiding the expense of taking
additional molds is accretive to dental practices.
The Medley Gold induces the opening of the airways through two processes. In one embodiment, a metal
rod is used to push the jaw forward. Metal rods are highly effective in moving the jaw because they are
very firm. However, patients can self-titrate (self-adjust) to achieve the best fit in terms of comfort and
The second method of opening the airways is to use semi-rigid or elastomeric straps to pull the jaw
forward. Elastomeric bands act as shock absorbers as they allow the jaw to drift backwards to reduce
pressure on the jaw joint. It is usually desirable for patients to use elastomeric bands only for limited
periods of time. The semi-rigid band is the most popular of the three; it is gentler than the metal rods but
firmer than the elastomeric bands.
The Medley Gold is designed to allow the patient to move his jaw from side-to-side so that he can talk.
The device is only worn at night and is expected to last between three and five years. The recommended
care regiment is no more complicated than cleaning the device with toothpaste.
Which industries would be interested in purchasing / licensing the patent?
Sleep Apnea
Are you most interested in licensing, selling or asserting your patent? Licensing
To what extent, if any, are your patents encumbered?
Not Encumbered.
To what extent, if any, can your patent portfolio be expanded by way of continuations?
Two continuations.
Have you procured a Patent Valuation Report? Yes
If so, what value did the Patent Valuation Report place on your patents? Not appropriate to disclose at this early juncture.
If so, when was the Patent Valuation Report prepared? August 23, 2017
If so, was the preparer of the Patent Valuation Report a Certified Patent Valuation Analyst in good standing? Yes
Infringement Information
Do you believe your patents are being infringed? Yes
If so… In which countries do you believe your patents are being infringed?
To be discussed later.
Sleep apnea
Not going to mention now.
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