Ergonomic exercise grip structure with detachable strap and method of use
Asking Price: Negotiable
Lead Inventor: James Leoniak
Current Assignee: James Leoniak
Contact James Leoniak
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This Patent covers a versatile ergonomic exercise grip structure and its method of use.
This invention can be used in home and commercial gyms as well as rehabilitative facilities.
There are over 200 variations of this invention and several dozen methods of use covered by the Patent.
- Primary Patent Number: 11103741
- Number of Continuations: 0
- Number of Divisionals: 0
- Number of Foreign Patent Filings: 1
Commercial Information
Is the patent jointly owned? No
What is compelling about this patent?
This Patent covers a versatile ergonomic exercise grip structure and its method of use.
This invention can be used in home and commercial gyms as well as rehabilitative facilities.
There are over 200 variations of this invention and several dozen methods of use covered by the Patent.
Which industries would be interested in purchasing / licensing the patent?
Sporting goods, fitness and rehabilitative equipment industries would be interested in this patent.
Are you most interested in licensing, selling or asserting your patent? Licensing
To what extent, if any, are your patents encumbered?
To what extent, if any, can your patent portfolio be expanded by way of continuations?
It has been and may be expanded by continuations.
Have you procured a Patent Valuation Report? No
If so, what value did the Patent Valuation Report place on your patents?
If so, when was the Patent Valuation Report prepared?
If so, was the preparer of the Patent Valuation Report a Certified Patent Valuation Analyst in good standing?
Infringement Information
Do you believe your patents are being infringed? No
If so… In which countries do you believe your patents are being infringed?
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