Asking Price: To Be Determined
Lead Inventor: Theodore Hagelin
Current Assignee: Theodore Hagelin
Contact David Wanetick
A computer based system and method for calculating the value of a license for an intellectual property asset between a licensor and a licensee based on the licensor and licensee investment in the license, as well as the predicted increase in product value due to the change in competitive advantage afforded by the intellectual property asset that is the subject of the license. The value of the license may be discounted to adjust for various risks or adjusted based on whether the license is exclusive, limited exclusive, or non-exclusive. The system and method calculates an equal return payment which represents the value of either a one-time, lump-sum payment or the present value of a royalty stream distributed over the lifetime of the intellectual property asset, the system and method of the present invention can place a discrete monetary value on an intellectual property asset.
- Primary Patent Number: 7,493,262
- Number of Continuations: 1
- Number of Divisionals: 0
- Number of Foreign Patent Filings: 0
Commercial Information
Is the patent jointly owned?
What is compelling about this patent?
The method of this invention comprises a series of associations and calculations that determine the value of an intellectual property asset. Specifically, this invention determines the value of an intellectual property asset as a function of the
competitive advantage which it contributes to a product.
Which industries would be interested in purchasing / licensing the patent?
Accounting, Valuation, Licensing, Investment Banking, Venture Capital, Private Equity
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Not encumbered at all.
To what extent, if any, can your patent portfolio be expanded by way of continuations?
No such opportunities at this stage.
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If so, was the preparer of the Patent Valuation Report a Certified Patent Valuation Analyst in good standing?
Infringement Information
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